Millions of fans await new episodes of the hit show Bluey, as season 4 comes to America on July 12. Among them are child-free adults like myself. My husband and I watch an episode or two before bed almost every night! I recommend the same to anyone who needs some wholesome life lessons from animated dogs as a chaser to whatever life has to offer these days. Here are the best 12 episodes for adults, in my opinion. They’ll have you saying “wackadoo” and professing hope for the future in no time (or at least in under 8 minutes). Enjoy!
Full episodes are available on Disney+ and some are on the Bluey and Disney Junior YouTube channels.
12. The Pool (season 1, episode 22)
Dad and the kids head to the pool, but don’t bring any infrastructure, even after mom reminds them to. Sound familiar? Personally, I am able to relax more and have a better time if I do some planning and make a to-do list so the lesson that “boring things are still important” really resonates with me. Having anyone, especially kiddos, acknowledge that time and effort is rewarding. Full episode below!
11. Smoochy Kiss (season 3, episode 26)
The life lesson of “if you’re going to belong to someone, you’d better toughen up” is so real and so important, but who knew animated dogs would be the best teachers? Honestly, the premise of this episode being that we girls fight so hard for the attention of sweaty gross dudes who sometimes pee on their feet is downright hilarious, especially in a kid’s show. Might as well teach them early.

10. Rain (season 3, episode 18)
This episode has no audible dialogue after the first few seconds. The music team for Bluey deserves all the awards. Poor Mum fights bravely but eventually realizes she can’t keep Bluey from getting wet and dirty, so joins in instead. As someone who spent many rainy hours in the gutter “rescuing” worms and will never stop jumping in puddles, I approve. The clip and image below are gorgeous of course, with the tiny squabble that double rainbows have inverted colors (purple should be on top of the upper rainbow)!

9. BBQ (season 1, episode 7)
Gotta have at least one episode with the cousins, Muffin and Socks! Love their energy. Bingo learns the lesson young that hosting is not a relaxing endeavor. And hopefully we all learn that you’ll run yourself ragged trying to satisfy everyone. And also that gender roles are bullshit. Pull up your relaxing chair and watch a clip!

8. Mount Mumandad (season 1, episode 44)
This episode is a reminder that kids give you no personal space. And that theme parks are exhausting. I have great memories of using my dad as a jungle gym, especially when he used his dad powers to sleep almost anywhere. Teamwork, understanding other people play differently, and patient parents are the real keys to a harmonious childhood in this episode (clip here).

7. Whale Watching (season 3, episode 22)
Hungover parents are everything, especially because Bluey and Bingo are oblivious to their plight. Dad is made to be a boat and mom is the whale and both have to function when they’re not at their best. Dad’s antics in this clip undoubtedly set him back a bit and no one would blame Mum for letting the kids watch TV while she eats corn chips and sour cream. But, of course, she comes through in the end and sets her comfort aside for the amusement of Bingo and Bluey.

6. Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound (season 1, episode 32)
If you can get past the idea that Bingo is so sick she’s hospitalized for a few days, this episode about her family cheering her up with a skit is a real heart-warmer. Plus, there’s always something funny about the dogs in underpants. Not only do the doggos have amazing games, but the pretend names are always on point as well. Bumpy, Barnicus, and bum worms! Here’s a clip!

5. Born Yesterday (season 3, episode 5)
Explaining to kids what the saying “I wasn’t born yesterday” means could be straight-forward I suppose, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, dad plays it out for Bluey and Bingo’s amusement, with the side effect that he starts to appreciate the world around him in a new way. We could all stand to play this game every so often. As always, Bandit’s commitment to the bit is admirable. This clip makes me think the writers saw the movie Arrival, where we learn about how to relay words and concepts to aliens or, in this case, someone who was born yesterday. Also, the kids pretending to be “holiday people” in their socks and sandals cracks me up. My brother and I had a similar game poking fun at the RV crowd in Yosemite. Sadly, Bluey and Bingo dressing up as the grannies didn’t make this list, but that’s another favorite.

4. Phones (season 3, episode 16)
Grandad comes to town and, though he may be a bit out of touch, he figures out how to play with Bluey and Bingo’s app-based game. The crocodile stuffie is hilarious and, as always, Lucky’s dad is a champ. This clip doesn’t include the croc catcher app, so definitely seek out the full episode. Now I want some curried sausages.

3. Octopus (season 2, episode 46)
This episode is full of fun facts, as long as you want to know about octopuses (which I do). There’s also the heart-warming part of course. Chloe’s dad doesn’t play the same as Bluey’s dad. But using the improv (and life) lesson of saying “yes, and” to everything, he and Chloe make the octopus game their own in this clip. And luckily Bluey is game for the new twists. And they all learn about sea creatures, which means everyone’s a winner. If only they’d release the video of the dad actors making octopus noises in the recording booth.

2. Fruit Bat (season 1, episode 8)
This clip includes Bluey’s dream of being a fruit bat. As a fellow night owl who never really wants to go to bed, I only wish I could manifest dreams like this. Bluey realizes Dad sacrifices time with his friends to mind her and Bingo and sweetly thanks him. The music is on point. And we all learn about the tactical wee. Bingo is so wise and manages to steal the spotlight even in episodes where she only has a small role.

1. Sleepytime (season 2, episode 9)
This one makes me cry every time I see it. But in a good way, I swear. The way Bingo exploring the solar system is interspersed with her actual late night activities means I laugh through those tears. This episode is literally a masterpiece (full video below). It also really doubles down on showing the interrupted nights all parents will recognize. But wow, the idea of being the warm, toasty sun in someone’s universe makes the idea almost tempting. And remember, Mum’s always there if you need her, even if you can’t see her. <sob> I also love the subtle facts about the planets along the way. If only Saturn’s rings were really made up of bunnies.
I can’t wait for the new season of Bluey. If you don’t already have the 100+ episodes on rotation in your house, it’s never too late!
All images are screenshots from Disney+